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Welcome! I'm so glad you've landed on my site—it must be destiny!

My name is Janejira, and I'm a multi-disciplinary designer—I use my skills in design and culinary arts to spread happiness and joy. In this space, I share the best part of who I am!
I was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and grew up in Chicago, where I worked in my family's Thai restaurant. There were over 70 Thai restaurants at the time, and the Thai community voted us #1—in Isan cuisine. 


At 19, I became certified in Food Service and Sanitation. With over a decade of professional food service experience and many more years working in my home kitchen I turned to culinary teaching. I believe the kitchen is the heart of the home. When I'm not designing kitchens, other interiors, and websites, I enjoy cooking gourmet meals for my family and close friends. 


I'm also an Italian citizen by marriage and visited Italy more than 20 times. I have trained in Italy for different regional specialties and cooking styles. I'm never short of inspiration because I live a rich life.


I love to share my passion for cooking and gourmet cuisine. Please, have you and your loved ones join me for authentic cooking adventures. I'll teach you how to cook like a professional while having lots of fun!


– Janejira

P.S. A kitchen remodeling project will earn you free recipes! 

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