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Undoubtedly, the easiest dish on the menu.


Course includes:
  • GoogleMeet login to your remote learning, equipped with GoPro technology for the multi-view experience.

  • Bonus* recipe card with your initials upon completion. (Live lesson only.)


A HEARTWARMING RECOLLECTION: It was the bittersweet occasion of our restaurant closing its doors for good. On one poignant evening, a familiar face, a devoted patron, graced us with her presence for what would mark her final order of the beloved Shrimp & Garlic dish. For a couple of years, she had been a loyal visitor, always dining solo to relish the flavors of this particular delicacy. Traditionally, we concluded meals with freshly sliced oranges to cleanse the palate, but on that memorable day, she declined, expressing, "I want to savor this taste in my mouth for as long as possible." Struck by her sentiment, I hurried to the kitchen to share the news with my mother. Without hesitation, my mother emerged and extended an invitation to our cherished guest, ushering her into the kitchen to impart the secrets of preparing the dish. These are the priceless moments etched in my memory—moments that underscore our ability to touch lives. It's incredible that such meaningful connections can be forged in just under 15 minutes!


What you will need:
  • Reliable internet connection.

  • Basic kitchen tools and a wok or large skillet.


Meal kit:

None available.


Guaranteed success:

Any modification to the recipe will void this guarantee. 





Disclaimer: consuming only Thai food may cause you to lose weight and be happy!

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