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Spaghetti agli Scampi

Mother-in-law's Favorite!

Photo Credits: Janejira Kalsmith

Last year, we moved to Italy for a 5-month sabbatical from Penn State. Life was beautiful abroad because the culinary scene in Italy is one of the best in the world. Fresh seasonal ingredients at the farmer's market were a daily scene all year round. Indeed, it was a trip of a lifetime and a special treat for my adventurous taste buds.


Fresh tomatoes are no longer available at local farmer's markets, but December is a season for Maine lobsters as they are more active. The dish that comes to mind is Spaghetti agli Scampi. It was a self-taught dish I mastered a lifetime ago during an early visit to Italy. (If you read my last blog, you'll know I've inherited my mother's superpower of replicating dishes.)


Italian residents along the coast can always find fresh wild-caught seafood. However, my in-laws live in Rome–believe it or not, considered far from the sea that sometimes they must resort to frozen fish. Spaghetti agli Scampi happens to be one of my mother-in-law's favorites! In her freezer, boxes of scampi idle for my arrival. For her, it was always a dream worth the wait. It's my signature dish, and it's imperative that each time we meet, I cook it for her.


We don't have fresh scampi here, but we can easily substitute with lobsters (Spaghetti all'Aragota). Or extra jumbo shrimps if you're on a budget. This recipe is relatively easy, but there are tips that I would love to show you to ensure authenticity by Italian standards.


We've partnered with Weis Super Market on Westerly Parkway to bring you LIVE Maine lobsters. Please email an interest in this class now. Let me know which day you prefer. Lobsters are ordered especially for you!


Come and learn along in this live Zoom class, and see how your food journey with me can change your life forever.

What you can expect:

Lots of fun during class and a delicious meal to follow.


What you will need:
  • Good mood makes good food.


Guaranteed success:

This dish has been approved by my mother-in-law!


Disclaimer: you are responsible for your safety when operating any kitchen tools & machinery. It is dangerous to consume fatty foods so check with your doctor first. By participating in this class, you automatically agree not to sue JANEJIRA and family for any kitchen accidents and foodborne illness that may incur. Cook with care!

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