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There's nothing to worry!

"Nothing is as it seems." This quote from the Spy International Museum in Washington, D.C., captures the delicious mystery in store for you in this class. We will be concocting a curry dish based on the available ingredients found in the market that week. Make a batch of curry, enjoy it with your family, or even freeze it and take it to work with you to warm up a rainy day. If you are open to a delicious mystery meal, this class is for you! 


Course includes:
  • GoogleMeet login to your remote learning, equipped with GoPro technology for the multi-view experience.

  • Guided shopping experience at a local Asian Market so you can purchase your own ingredients.

  • Special Herbs not found in stores (Thai chilies and makrut lime leaves). 

  • Bonus* recipe card with your initials upon completion. (Live lesson only.)


What you can expect:

The day before class, we will meet as a group at the parking lot of East Asian market (next to Enterprise Car rental) where I will give you a guided shopping experience. I'll decide the curry dish based on market availability and show you what to buy. If you wish to avoid the crowd and purchase a meal kit, please email me after your reservation. Meal kit excludes protein.

Recommended meat supplier:

Let Andy know I've sent you and get 10% off on your pork.


As always, you are encouraged to learn to cook with your loved ones. Appreciation for food can develop at any point in life, but the best time is when you are young. ​


What you will need:
  • Reliable internet connection.

  • Large cooking pot (please no non-stick–Teflon coating is not part of the recipe).

  • Spatula.

  • Cutting board and knife.

  • Jasmine rice prepared ahead of time.


Optional meal kit:​

  • Meal kit (excludes meat protein).


A central location for your meal kit pick-up will be available after your registration. You will need to pick up your kit the morning of class.
Guaranteed success:

100% success rate is guaranteed only if you purchase the full meal kit with your lesson. That way, we'll be using the exact ingredients. If your dish doesn’t come out right, I'll make it right! 





Disclaimer: consuming only Thai food may cause you to lose weight and be happy!

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