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Here's a dish that needs no introduction. Be warned: this authentic recipe is ~spicy~!

If you're a vegetarian, please note that chicken stock will be used in class, but you may substitute on your own.

Course includes:
  • GoogleMeet login to your remote learning, equipped with GoPro technology for the multi-view experience.

  • Special edition of ingredients if you purchase the meal kit.

  • Bonus* recipe card with your initials upon completion. (Live lesson only.)


As always, you are encouraged to learn to cook with your loved ones. Appreciation for food can develop at any point in life, but the best time is when you are young. ​


What you will need:
  • Reliable internet connection.

  • Basic kitchen tools and a wok.

  • Mortar and pestle highly recommended.


Why should you purchase the meal kit:

You can always shop for ingredients on your own however my meal kit contains the best possible ingredients that aren't available in our small town. I travel hundreds of miles to bring them to you so you can enjoy the best tasting Pudd Kee Mao Noodles you've ever had. Lots of thoughts and careful preparation goes into putting the kit together. It's a kit of instant happiness for you and your loved one. 

Guaranteed success:

As always, the class comes with 100% success rate guaranteed when you purchase a meal kit. Any modification to the recipe will void this guarantee. 





Disclaimer: consuming only Thai food may cause you to lose weight and be happy!

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